Many of our clients requested for CLU permission information and we at Arora Realtech summarized it for you. Thank for your suggestions. Please find the summary on CLU as below
Haryana Government approved the policy for grant of Change of Land Use (CLU) permission for Commercial purpose in municipal areas of the state
- Policy is applicable in the residential and commercial sector
- The land should be under single ownership and is less than 1000 Sq Mtr and proposal is for single unit involving no sub-division
- Minimum area of the site would be 200 Sq Mtr and maximum area would be 1000 Sq Mtr.
- Site should be located in a developed sector and approachable from existing 12 mtr wide road or above
- Maximum permissible ground coverage should be 60 %
- Permissible basement and maximum permissible height would be unrestricted
- Maximum permissible floor area ratio would be 175%
- Ground coverage and floor area ratio will be subject to the fulfilment of the parking norms & requirements
- Applicant would need to provide public amenities such as portable drinking water and toilets within the building area
- Applicant would be required to provide parking within the site area at the rate of 1.0 Equivalent Car Space (ECS) for every 50 Sq. Mtr of the covered area
The Town and Country Planning Department would invite applications for commercial licence within and outside municipal limit and CLU application for the area within the MC limit for the commercial component. Applicant will be required to submit application for the setting up of single entity (e.g. Shop and Showroom) for necessary approval upon payment of charges as well as meeting the specified policy guidelines.
Photo Credits https://pixabay.com/photos/clothing-store-shop-boutique-984396/ (
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay